Hadoop hands-on guide for beginners/intermediate users
Table of Contents
1. Apache Hadoop - Overview
Apache Hadoop is a software solution for
distributed computing of large datasets. Hadoop provides a distributed
filesystem (HDFS) and a MapReduce implementation.
A special computer acts as the "name
node". This computer saves the information about the available clients and
the files. The Hadoop clients (computers) are called nodes.
The "name node" is currently a single
point of failure. The Hadoop project is working on solutions for this.
2. MapReduce by example
Please refer to my blog: Hadoop tutorial - MapReduce by example
Direct link: http://ihadoop.blogspot.in/2012/11/hadoop-tutorial-mapreduce-by-example.html
This Hadoop trainings will help you comprehend the procedures followed in the Hadoop structure and how it can be used for the company requirements.